
What is a Twitter conference?

A Twitter conference is a virtual conference that takes place on Twitter, in this case under the hashtag #brainTC. Just like a regular conference, #brainTC will feature both keynotes and research presentations, but the talks will be delivered via a series of tweets under the conference hashtag. The conference removes the hassle of travel by allowing scientists to meet and interact using Twitter. Twitter conferences also promote open science: everyone can follow the presentations, ask questions, and take part in the discussions.

Here you can read last year’s #brainTC proceedings to see how it looks like.

The conference “chair” will be our conference Twitter account @RealBrainTC so follow us so you don’t miss it! This account will tweet out the conference schedule and other announcements about the conference, and on the day, introductions to all presentations.

World Seabird Twitter Conference has been a pioneer of Twitter conferences, and they’ve run many iterations, so you can also look at their Storifys for inspiration.