In 2020, the #OHBMx organising team in organised into multiple hubs. This helps us span more timezones. Outside of the hubs, Aina Puce (@aina_puce) from OHBM

Australian Hub

Michael Breakspear @DrBreaky

Léonie Borne @LeonieBorne

Megan EJ Campbell @MegaEJ_Campbell

Nikitas Koussis @KoussisNikitas

European Hub

Baran Aydogan @baranaydogan

Enrico Glerean @eglerean

Onerva Korhonen @OnervaKorhonen

Narayan Subramaniyam @narayanps_

Juulia Suvilehto @JSuvilehto

Michele Veldsman @kmicheleveldsman

Koos Zevenhoven @k7hoven

US hub

Sheraz Khan @dr_sheraz

Dimitrios Pantazis @dimitrpantazis


#OHBMx is a joint effort by the Organization for Human Brain Mapping and Aalto Brain Center@abc_aalto. For further information or help, please contact us on twitter at @OHBMEquinoX .